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Broker Configuration


Tradier Live

1 Login to SpeedBot app.
2 Go to Menu

3 Select Broker and click Add New

add new

4 Select Tradier Live from the dropdown menu

5 Add your Tradier’s Account ID and Access Token in the respective input boxes and click on Add button
new live

6 Congrats you have integrated your Live Traider account with the SpeedBot

Tradier Live Oauth

1 Select Broker and click Add New

add new

2 Select Tradier Live Oauth from the dropdown menu

3 Add Tradier’s Account ID in the input box and click on Add button
new oauth

4 Congrats you have integrated your Tradier Live account with the SpeedBot.

Tradier Live Paper

1 Select Broker and click Add New

add new

2 Select Tradier Paper Live from the dropdown menu

3 Add Tradier’s Live Account ID, Live Access Token, Paper Account ID and Paper Access Token in the respective input boxes and click Add button a.Here Tradier Paper means Tradier Sandbox account

new paper

4 Congrats you have integrated your Tradier Paper Live account with the SpeedBot.


Where can I find my Tradier Live Account ID and Access Token? - Login to the Tradier’s [web portal](, go to the [Settings > API Access](
- Your Account ID is the alpha-numeric code in a drop-down field on the page(highlighted with the red border).
- You can find your Access Token on the same page(highlighted with the green border). api

Where can I find my Tradier Sandbox Account ID and Access Token? - Login to the Tradier’s [web portal](, go to the [Settings > API Access](
- Scroll down to the Sandbox Account Access section.
- You can find your Account ID(marked with red border) and Access Token(marked with green border).

Can I deploy multiple bots with the same Tradier account in SpeedBot? Yes, you can deploy multiple bots using the same Tradier broker configuration at a time.

Interactive Broker

Interactive broker Live

1 Login to SpeedBot app.
2 Go to Menu

3 Select Broker and click Add New

add new

4 Select Interactive Broker Live from the dropdown menu
ib live

5 Make sure to follow the instructions

6 Add Interactive Broker’s Account ID, Username and Password in the respective input boxes and click on Add button

7 Congrats you have integrated your Live Interactive Broker account with the SpeedBot.


Where to find the Interactive Broker Account ID? -Login to the Interactive Broker’s web portal, on the home page of the Interactive Broker you will find your Account ID

What type of plan should you choose? - The Interactive Broker API does not support the IBKR LITE plan. Customer need an IBKR PRO plan
How to activate the Paper Trading Account for Interactive Broker? -Log in to the Interactive Broker Client Portal.
-In the top-right corner, click the person icon and then click Settings.
-In the Account Configuration section, click Paper Trading Account.
-Click Yes.
-Click Save.
Why did I miss some positions when executing a bot through Interactive Brokers (IB) Gateway? When you execute a bot using Interactive Brokers (IB) Gateway, it may take the first 5-10 minutes of traditional market hours to establish a stable connection and process data. During this time, some positions might be missed. To avoid missing positions, you can: 1. Set the bot's entry time to start 5-10 minutes after market open. 2. Use the "Enter If Missed" feature in Speedbot to automatically enter positions for missed opportunities. These options ensure you can take advantage of trading opportunities without missing critical entries.
Can I deploy multiple bots with the same IB broker in SpeedBot? No, you can deploy only one bot using the same broker configuration at a time. During the bot start, make sure you log into your Interactive Brokers account using the SpeedBot only. If any other session is found logged in from another medium the bot will stop.